Articles to Support Your Health and Well-being
Mental health is health. To help with day-to-day stress and challenges, we’re offering 10 tips to boost yours.
Self-care is crucial, especially during times when staying home can be challenging.
How to Relive Stress Now and in the Future By Elizabeth Scott, PhD Elizabeth Scott, MS
Not feeling particularly cheery this time of year? You’re not alone.
It’s no secret the holidays can be draining, both emotionally and financially. You can set with friends and family now to set yourself up for financial success.
What Giving as a Lifestyle Can Do for Your Health, Happiness, More
What are the five stages of grief? We describe each, and how to find support through the grieving process.
The New Year naturally imparts a sense of change. Whether or not you make resolutions, stop for a moment and consider the changes you might like, and why.
The Holiday Season is upon us. We share 6 ways Canadian can spread the gift of generosity across the nation.
Self-care: daily actions nurturing physical, emotional, and mental well-being across 8 areas are as below:-
Philanthropy benefits others and sets a positive tone for the year ahead. It cultivates a mindset of gratitude, fostering a sense of empowerment and optimism.
There are a number of emotion regulation strategies that people can master to build their coping skills
What can we do when we find ourselves engaging with others in a negative way?
So in case you need to hear this, it’s definitely not wrong to be frugal this holiday season.
How to Manage Holiday Stress
Workers’ health and safety can help to improve mental health at work
Although the symptoms of ADHD begin in childhood, ADHD can continue through adolescence and adulthood.
A father’s heartfelt letter to his newborn son shares life lessons on struggle, resilience, and the importance of asking for help.
Tips for teachers and counselors to manage stress and time, enhancing their well-being and creating a healthier environment for all.
Beat workplace stress by reaching out.
Your bedtime protocol
Self-care involves nurturing physical, emotional, and spiritual health with sustainable practices to enhance well-being and prevent burnout.
Understanding Therapy – Article 3
Dairy-free products are completely devoid of animal products such as milk and yogurt and are often made from alternatives such as nuts or seeds.
How can physical activity help me sleep?
Bipolar disorder is much more complicated and grave than dealing with the ups and downs of normal life.
Do you know someone who is euphoric one day and completely depressed the next? That person may be suffering from bipolar disorder.
Bird watching is a peaceful and rewarding hobby that allows you to connect with nature and experience its beauty.
There are several natural methods for boosting your mood.
Types of Boundaries
“Our bodies respond really well to repetition even when it comes to eating. It’s like muscle memory but for our stomachs,” she says - Holistic Coach Tracy Lemle
Let's create a culture where mental health is discussed openly and compassionately, breaking down the stigma that surrounds it.
Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Let it out slowly. Feel better?
You can save a life! Speaking up for Men’s health helps us stay strong and act.
How nature can help us be mindful, feel calmer and nourish our sense of wellbeing.
Struggling with a new move? Here are some things to consider when coping.
Discover tips for engaging, asking insightful questions, and fostering trust to build strong personal and professional relationships.
What is Bullying?
How to manage and change your emotions effectively with meditation.
The pain is excruciating. Piercing. Throbbing. Persistent. And that’s just the physical part of it. Your emotions are just as intense.
5 Alternatives to Coffee That Actually Taste Good
Loss otherwise known as bereavement affects people in different ways. There's no right or wrong way to feel.
You can’t always avoid the tensions that occur on the job. Yet you can take steps to manage work-related stress
Not everyone who is depressed experiences every symptom. Some people experience only a few symptoms. Some people have many. The severity and frequency of symptoms, and how long they last, will vary depending on the individual and his or her particular illness.
Most older adults feel satisfied with their lives, despite having more illnesses or physical problems. But depression in older adults may be difficult to recognize because they may show different, less obvious symptoms.
Depression is more common among women than men, likely due to certain biological, hormonal, and social factors that are unique to women.
When a person has depression, it interferes with daily life and normal functioning. It is a real illness. It is not a sign of a person’s weakness or a character flaw. You can’t “snap out of” clinical depression.
Depression, even the most severe cases, can be treated. The earlier treatment begins, the more effective it is.
What are the symptoms of depression in men and women? Helping identify the symptoms is a positive step towards awareness and well-being
The only thing that differentiates an emotionally resilient and an emotionally fragile person is the way the former chooses to ‘respond’.
Developing a structured self-care plan involves assessing current strategies, implementing proactive measures, and preparing for challenges.
Sleep Series - Article 3
Numerous museums in Saskatoon provide enlightening and soothing experiences.
Let’s Talk
Shift workers can boost well-being with better sleep, healthy eating, regular exercise, stress management, and professional support from Avail Care Center.
Do you feel very happy and energized some days, and very sad and depressed on other days? Do these moods last for a week or more? Do your mood changes make it hard to sleep, stay focused, or go to work?
Did you know that approximately 1 in 12 Canadians age 20 and over live with diagnosed heart disease?
Prostate cancer screening saves lives and boosts mental health. Miners, prioritize early detection for better treatment options and quality of life!
Simple things to do to get inspired
While shift work can be essential for industries, it often presents unique challenges when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet.
Festivals and your Mental Health
Effects of Bullying on Mental Health
Mastering emotional regulation is essential for navigating challenges from reframing negative emotions to advocating for self-care.
There are a number of skills that can help us self-regulate our emotions.
Emotional self-care vital for well-being: healthy emotion recognition, management prevent burnout, build resilience, enhance mental health, relationships.
Visiting a baseball batting cage offers men an active way to improve skills, relieve stress, and enjoy sport.
Effective communication relies on mutual understanding. Explore strategies to confirm messages, ensuring clarity and goal alignment between individuals.
Environmental self-care fosters harmony with surroundings for well-being, exploring its significance, strategies, and benefits for health and sustainability.
Make it your goal to move in some way every day. Improve balance and coordination, aid weight loss and improve sleep habits and self-esteem
How does exercise reduce stress? Surprising answers to this question and more.
Attending a comedy club can provide men with a refreshing break, laughter, and social interaction.
Experimenting with BBQ recipes, whether smoked or marinated, can be a rewarding and relaxing activity for men.
One of the best ways to explore this beauty is by taking advantage of the numerous nature trails in and around the city.
Discover effective ways for education departments to de-stress together, boosting morale and enhancing teamwork with these simple, practical tips.
Reaching out for help with suicidal thoughts can lead to healing. Understanding how to get support is the first step towards a brighter, hopeful future.
Depression is a painful experience but one that does not have to continue. Read about the best scientifically-proven methods to relieve depression in this article.
Rethink the way you approach your to-do list
First and foremost, a frugal life will allow you to build more financial freedom into your life by accelerating how quickly you achieve your financial goals.
To help you start on the right foot, we did the research and pulled together five ways giving back is good for you.
Miners can reduce stress and unwind with 10-20 minutes of green light therapy and calming sounds, improving mood, relieving tension, and promoting relaxation.
There are also many types of loss that can happen in the workplace besides death
Loss can be very stressful and take a physical toll on your body.
While there is no right or wrong way to grieve, there are healthy ways to cope with the pain of loss.
A lack of resiliency to adverse, stressful, or exciting situations can be indicative of a mental health condition.
How to tackle hypothetical worries
The holidays are a time to celebrate with family and friends. People often overbook themselves or try please everyone.
A hiker's heaven is New Brunswick.
A fascinating and educational experience can be had by visiting historical rail museums in New Brunswick.
Healthy Boundaries during Holiday Seasons
A daily routine for a cleaner home frees up more time to do what you enjoy!
It’s important to treasure the life of an amazing person.
Understanding prostate cancer and seeking support can help those in the mining industry manage anxiety and uncertainties surrounding their health.
Why our thoughts are powerful enough to impact the way our brains are wired.
Borderline personality disorder has historically been viewed as difficult to treat. But with newer, evidence-based treatment, many people with borderline personality disorder experience fewer and less severe symptoms, improved functioning, and an improved quality of life.
With awareness, motivation, desire for change, and repetitive practice, we can alter our thoughts and emotions.
Here are some tips to minimize procrastinating based on the understanding that it is impacted by our thoughts and feelings.
Kick-Start Your Life
Sharpening your emotional regulation skills will make you mentally stronger.
Don't be afraid to ask for help. Finding strategies will help you navigate.
Festivals and your Mental Health
Healthy Boundaries during Holiday Season
Navigating a successful workday while managing anxiety requires a balanced approach that prioritizes well-being and productivity.
Here are some self-care activities that may help to relieve symptoms of depression, prevent depression from recurring, and/or help other treatments work most effectively.
Navigating work anxiety includes implementing strategies to manage stress, enhance coping, and foster a supportive work environment.
Do you sometimes have trouble saying "no"? Don't worry - you're not alone!
When it comes to talking to a loved one about mental health, it can be very uncomfortable because as a society we are still living with a lot of stigmas and there isn’t enough information out there to help us know how to start such a conversation. Fortunately, there's a proven way to start that conversation.
If you’re concerned that someone you manage may be suicidal, start by having a conversation. You might feel unsure about what to say, but the main thing is to be calm and non-judgmental. You don’t need to solve their problems or understand ‘why’ – just listen and encourage them to seek support or check in with their health professional.
Engaging someone who is experiencing suicidal thoughts with empathy and understanding can be crucial in helping them find the support they need.
By pinpointing the specific situations or obsessive thoughts that set off your rumination, you can begin to develop coping strategies to break the cycle
Ten ways to feel better in 10 seconds
Sleep is an integral part of recovering from a heartbreak. The most important part is to establish a regular routine that will reinforce rest and relaxation.
A magnet of my mom
Intellectual self-care: engaging in activities for cognitive growth and well-being. Explore its significance, strategies, and benefits for lifelong learning.
Research shows not everyone needs therapy — but everyone needs some form of mental health support.
Did you make New Year’s resolutions that are already forgotten? Avoid the emotional rollercoaster by setting yourself up for success.
Frequently, gratitude and kindness go together, but they are different concepts.
Navigate the balance between empathy and action to lead with compassion, fostering resilience and support within teams.
CBT Tips to Overcome Rumination and Obsessive Thinking
Local recreation centers & Community events in Saskatoon offer various activities/benefits.
When feeling distressed or upset, we sometimes let our emotions and feelings determine our behaviour. In other words, we let our feelings dictate or determine our behaviour.
Taking care of your health is a non-negotiable, not a "do later" thing.
Managing emotions is a skill that can be learned and used to confront the most challenging feelings.
Love Makes Us Warm All Over
Massage therapy helps miners relieve tension and stress after shifts, boosting physical recovery and mental relaxation with professional or self-techniques.
This article explores the importance of active listening and effective communication in various contexts, offering practical tips and strategies.
Men and women both experience depression but their symptoms can be very different. Because men who are depressed may appear to be angry or aggressive instead of sad, their families, friends, and even their doctors may not always recognize the anger or aggression as depression symptoms.
Over 30% of men experience a period of depression at some point in their lifetime, about 9% of men report having feelings of depression or anxiety every day
Prioritizing self-care can empower men to better manage health challenges, enhance mental well-being, and prevent crises.
Workplace Strategies for Mental Health (For Employees and Employers)
Seeking help for your mental health is brave
The holiday season is approaching, which for many also means gift-giving season. Take a moment to reflect: how does shopping for gifts affect you?
Use this meditation to work with difficult emotions, such as fear or body sensations, such as pain.
Mini golf is a fun, affordable activity that the whole family can enjoy.
Nature reserves and bird sanctuaries in New Brunswick provide an ideal escape.
Clear communication in relationships requires distinguishing actions from assumptions. Explore effective methods to separate behavior from interpretation here.
February is Heart Month, so it’s a great time to reflect on self-care for your heart.
If you think that you or a loved one may have depression, it is important to seek treatment. A person with depression cannot simply “snap out of it”—it is a medical condition that affects your quality of life. The good news is that, in most cases, depression is treatable in older adults.
As you get older, you may go through a lot of changes—death of loved ones, retirement, stressful life events, or medical problems. It’s normal to feel uneasy, stressed, or sad about these changes. But after adjusting, many older adults feel well again. Depression is different.
It seems like it's become harder and harder to date. How on earth do we make sense of the messy online dating scene?
Challenging the stigma associated with mental illness takes understanding, education, and a closer look at our own attitudes toward health.
Various treatments and therapies offer hope for those struggling with suicidal thoughts, helping them find healing and a path to a brighter future.
If you tend to be pessimistic, don't despair — you can learn positive thinking skills.
With postpartum depression, feelings of sadness and anxiety can be extreme and might interfere with a woman’s ability to care for herself or her family.
Through stages of disclosure, narrative development, and service, individuals can transcend trauma, fostering personal and collective growth.
Article stresses holistic self-care: exercises, mindfulness, boundaries for physical, emotional, mental health; aids stress, relationships, well-being.
Understanding Therapy – Article 5
Supporting a male/friend in your life facing prostate cancer means caring for both their physical and mental well-being.
This phenomenon is called psychogenic pain, and it occurs when your pain is related to underlying psychological, emotional, or behavioral factors.
After long shifts, a 10-minute power workout can boost serotonin, combat fatigue, and improve energy, enhancing both physical and mental well-being.
Understanding warning signs and risk factors of suicide empowers us to offer timely support and create a positive impact on those in need.
Resilience means being able to adapt to life's misfortunes and setbacks. Test your resilience level and get tips to build your own resilience.
Try these tips and resources to Build Resiliency
How does therapy help with mental health problems?
When you live with depression it can be easy to neglect basic care for yourself but it doesn't have to be!
Self-care tips for mining workers: prioritize safety, take breaks, stay hydrated, manage stress, use protective gear, and seek mental health support.
How do you know you need to set a boundary during the holidays?
Festivals and your Mental Health
Work anxiety, or occupational anxiety, can hinder productivity and enjoyment in the workplace. Early recognition of its signs is crucial for timely support.
Improving your sleep is crucial for overall health and work productivity.
How does smoking affect your mood?
Spiritual self-care brings peace and connection. Learn its importance, daily strategies, and how it boosts fulfillment and emotional well-being.
Saskatoon's summers are ideal for enjoying
Small acts of kindness matter. Listen, reach out, suggest help, educate, connect, and advocate for mental health.
Embrace the true spirit of the holidays by exploring simple yet impactful acts of kindness.
Affirmations are positive statements that help rid negative thoughts and negative energy from your life
I've been asked many times the difference between mental health and emotional health in the workplace.
Understanding Therapy – Article 4
Why it’s essential to reach out
Panic attacks are quite common. Ever wonder why our bodies are reacting in such a way? Let's break it down.
Mining workers face unique mental health challenges. Recognizing the signs and supporting one another can make a life-changing difference.
Support young people with suicidal thoughts by listening empathetically, encouraging professional help, staying connected, and promoting healthy coping.
Summertime can be one of the most relaxing and enjoyable times of the year. Embrace these healthy habits and let the sun shine in!
Terry Fox’s journey from cancer survivor to "Marathon of Hope" runner shows that even in darkness, hope and perseverance can inspire and make a difference.
The transition to motherhood can be challenging and full of unanticipated new realities. Here are the things I didn't plan for.
Use these tips to help your child discover how to plan and prioritize her time.
Dopamine is released when we give to others. Scientists have actually witnessed this in the lab
6 Ways to Practice Self-Care During the Holidays
Everyone experiences stress, but men tend to handle it differently than women.
Everyone copes with grief differently, and some people are able to remain resilient, with little to no impact on psychological functioning.
Suicide impacts individuals and communities profoundly. Understanding this helps us foster empathy and support, building a more connected and caring society.
Explore how effective listening and communication alleviate anxiety by fostering understanding, reducing misinterpretations, and promoting conflict resolution.
Suicide’s impact extends beyond the individual, affecting families, communities, and society. Recognizing this can inspire collective compassion and change.
Festivals and your Mental Health
Never tried a massage? You may be missing out on more benefits than you realized.
Research and studies show that "giving" may elevate your health and well-being
Avail - The creation of To-Do list feature can help you in many ways.
Explore practical tips for school and college social workers to maintain their mental well-being while providing vital support to students.
Time management has proven effective as a tool for productivity. Those who excel at time management perform well and have an improved sense of well-being.
5 Tips to Reduce Stress at Work. How to get rid of anxiety is a question that we all seem to ask ourselves
Work on regulating emotions and bodily sensations. Somatic strategies focus on the connection between the body and mind.
In Rocanville, trail riding is a great way to take in the scenery and enhance your mental well-being.
Planning ahead for a relapse may help to reduce the severity of a future depression and make recovery that much faster
There are several types of depressive disorders. In this article, we explore each of these.
According to the APA, there are five main categories of psychotherapy or talk therapy. (American Psychological Association)
Understanding Therapy – Article 2
This article delves into the concept of work anxiety, exploring its definition, common symptoms, and its impact on individuals in the workplace.
This article explores distinctions between work-related anxiety and post-work anxiety, providing strategies for effective management in both contexts.
Explore how self-talk molds our view of the world, examining the link between internal dialogue and environmental perception.
This article delves into the importance of discussing perceptions and emotions with others for better understanding and well-being.
Every person has the power to contribute to suicide prevention. Simple acts of kindness and support can help save lives and create a more caring world.
Festivals and your Mental Health
Recognizing prostate cancer signs, mental health challenges, and suicide prevention empowers men to seek help and support each other on their wellness journey.
Pressure to be "strong" can make men avoid asking for help, leading to hidden struggles and unhealthy coping.
Day 7 - Be kind everyday
Day 6 - Be kind to the world
Day 1 – Be Kind to your Mind
Day 2 - Be Kind to your Body
Day 4 - Spead kindness
Day 5 - Be Kind and generous to others
Day 3 - Talk kindly to yourself
How often have you seen men openly discuss their mental health at work? Probably, not very often. But does that mean they’re coping with it better? No.
How can I cope with grieving a loss?
Some amazing facts that might make you rethink your sleeping habits!
Sleep Series - Article 4
Light plays a critical role in regulating our sleep and wakefulness.
Sleep Series - Article 1
Borderline personality disorder is an illness marked by an ongoing pattern of varying moods, self-image, and behavior. Recognizable symptoms typically show up during adolescence or early adulthood, but early symptoms of the illness can occur during childhood.
Depression is more than a low mood. It can affect a person’s thinking, relationships, ability to carry out family and work responsibilities, and health.
Rumination is a common psychological process that involves repetitive and passive thoughts focused on the causes and effects of a person’s distres
Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts.
Understanding Therapy – Article 1
A therapist can help pinpoint core issues, triggers, negative or harmful patterns of behavior, and more to aid in treatment of a problem.
Embrace yourself. How? By self - care, hobbies, pampering. Reach out to friends or online communities.
What Is Emotional Health? How to Know if You're Struggling With Emotional Health How to Work On Your Emotional Health
Talk therapy, also called psychotherapy, is the process by which a person attends sessions with a therapist to talk through their experiences
Whatever the cause of your chronic pain, know that there are solutions
How to figure out if you need help with your Mental Health
Helping others can boost your heart and mind
Sleep Series - Article 2
Change is not easy, and is sometimes outside of our control at work.
The employer is ultimately responsible for how mental health programs are rolled out to employees at all levels of an organization.
Resting your eyes, having a catnap or just closing your eyes are wonderful reasons to recharge and feel better!
Cuddle up with your friends, it helps promote wellness!