Transparency, innovation and providing our users with real product value are the core drivers of the Avail Product Team. We've decided to document our releases here to ensure our users are always up to date with what we're working on.
An Updated Care Center & More Search Options
See Where You’re Thriving and Where You Can Improve
Our latest update to the Care Center makes it even easier for members to understand their overall health and well-being and access curated resources that can help them proactively stay healthy or take on existing challenges. More specifically, the new functioning scores chart highlights where an individual member is thriving, where they have room to improve and what they can do about it. Log in now to see how you’re managing the most important areas of your life!
Care Professional & Health Service Locations
Care Professionals and Health Services can establish ‘in-person’ and ‘remote’ appointments. Subsequently, members can search using these filters to ensure they’re only shown care professionals and health services that are accessible online, by phone or within a specified distance of their location.”
Improve Organizational Benefit Utilization
Paramedical Benefit Dashboard
Organizations can now integrate their benefit plans into Avail. Quickly create and organize the different benefit plans established within your organization. Once organizational benefit data has been imported, organization members can be placed into benefit groups that connect each member’s benefits coverage.
Proactive Benefit Utilization
Once added to a benefit group, each member will be able to see the final price, (i.e. the after benefit co-pay), for booking an appointment with a care professional or purchasing a health service. Members also have quick access to review their benefit details at any time so they have better clarity into what’s available and how they can use them proactively.”
Organization Dashboards & More
Organization Dashboards
Now Organization Administrators can access a data driven, anonymized, aggregate dashboard with key insights about the health and well-being of organization members. Administrators can use this new knowledge to inform policy decisions or the implementation of programs that target specific well-being issues. More importantly, this dashboard will help measure the success of policy intervention and ROI on well-being spend with realtime oversight into how the members of an organization are truly doing.”
A New Care Center, Shorter Check-Ups, Follow Topics and More
A New Care Center
We’re always looking for ways to improve your Avail experience and this release is no slouch. In this new version, your Care Center received a major facelift. You’ll now see your new action items inbox, quick links to care resources and a new section, populated by your check-ups and the topics you follow, called your Well-Being Digest.
Check-up & Dashboard Improvements
You asked and we listened. You will now be alerted to complete your check-ups weekly. You can still complete a check-up anytime you want by clicking on the check-up tab, but the suggested cadence for completion is now once a week. In addition, we’ve expanded the categories you’ll reflect on and reduced the number of questions you answer from 48 to 17. Whoa, now that’s an improvement!
Follow Topics & A Weekly Digest
We’ve introduced a weekly digest email to keep you engaged with helpful content, tools and other resources. By following topics on Avail, we’ll get better at populating your emails with helpful content.
Organization Improvements
The unit dashboard has received a facelift to reflect the 10 new score categories and the insight statements have been updated to help you take organizational action more effectively.
Anonymous article & tip rating details can now be viewed inside of a given article (i.e. you can see a list of all the ratings and the reason for the rating for each article. Click into an article, then click on the “Article Reactions” or “Tip Reactions” tabs.”
Bookmarking, Reactions, Audio & Video Articles and More!
Now you can bookmark your favourite tips and articles to read later or quickly find at a later date. Simply tap the bookmark icon on any article or tip and it will be added to your bookmark list. You can access your bookmarks from the sidebar.
Let us know what you think about an article or tip by adding a reaction to it. Leave a reaction by selecting from one of the 3 emojis. If you have the time, you can also provide a text based comment. We review every comment!
Audio & Video Articles
We’ve added new content types for audio and video based articles. Our content team is hard at work creating new, exciting content. Look for the play button on articles, it denotes playable content.
Organization Improvements
Organization admins can now search and filter articles in addition to seeing reactions to their articles. Reactions will help organization authors improve their article content by learning what type of content their members find helpful.
Provider Network, Organizations and More!
As always, Avail has been hard at work to constantly improve our experience and value for all of our users. Here are some of the great updates you can expect in this new version.
Avail has partnered with Shift Collab to bring a Care Provider Network of highly skilled Therapists, Social Workers and more to the Avail platform. Check out the new Care Path to continue your journey towards becoming your best you.
Avail Groups have gotten a massive facelift and are now accessible though their own context. If you are a group administrator, you’ll now access your group settings from the top left hand corner of your screen.
Organizations & Providers
In this release we’re introducing two new apps. One for organizations (i.e. large groups) and one for care providers. These new applications add features for both of these users to help them manage their care ecosystem even more effectively on Avail. Both of these new apps can be accessed from the top left corner of the Avail interface.
An Improved Care Center Experience
In addition to a number of small tweaks, improvements, the Avail Care Center has gotten a minor redesign to make accessing care resources even easier on your mobile device. You can now go straight to your Avail Report, access care resources and more all right from the care center.
We’ve also fixed an important bug that blocked users from accessing video chat on our mobile application.
Fixes and Improvements
We’re always working to make Avail better, faster & stronger. In this release we’ve made a number of techy changes to the software to speed it up and make it more efficient.
Check-up How You Want
You can now pick the category you want to update when checking-in on Avail. Simply go to your dashboard and click the on the category name in the “Weekly Overview” section.
Check-up Improvements
Some users were leaving the check-up screen without saving their answers and as a result we’ve now added a feature that checks to make sure that you do in fact want to end your check-up without saving.
We’ve also made some small, but useful improvements to your dashboard. You can now see which well-being categories you’ve completed this week so that you know which ones you still need to complete.
Avail Care Center
We’ve been hard at work at Avail HQ, and we’re excited to share our most significant update yet. There are too many updates to mention here, so here are our top 5!
Care Center: Aside from the beautiful redesign, we’ve funnelled all of your resources into one location. You may also see the addition of our two new partners: Maple and Inkblot. Feel free to try their online doctors-on-demand or digital counselling directly through your Care Center.
Balance Score: A new way to visualize whether you are over or under recovering and are over or under stressed. Let’s find that balance!
Check-ups: New check-ups allow you to answer in blocks of 4 questions to update each health insight. You don’t have to stop after completing one round, keep going!
Articles: Includes a new layout and brand new topics. Feel free to explore! We’ve made many small changes to improve your experience and would love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to respond to this message or send us a note by clicking the intercom button in the bottom corner of your screen.
Notification Preferences: Finally, we have also made some improvements to our notification preferences so you can choose the time and day(s) on which you’ll be notified to check-up.
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