Psychological Wellness: Small Actions That Pay Big Returns

Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more rewarding and fulfilling life. It is a choice to assume responsibility for the quality of your life, continually stretch your boundaries, and make your life, and the lives of those you touch, truly exceptional.

Posted by Avail Content
6 years ago

Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more rewarding and fulfilling life. It is a choice to assume responsibility for the quality of your life, continually stretch your boundaries, and make your life, and the lives of those you touch, truly exceptional.

Mindfully focusing on wellness in our lives builds resilience and enables us to thrive amidst life’s challenges. Ultimately, wellness is a hands-on, get-down-to-business approach to being the best you can possibly be.

Psychological wellness ensures that you feel positive and enthusiastic about your self and your life. It enables you to realistically assess your limitations and envision new possibilities. It also includes your ability to cope with or improve unpleasant feelings and ensure that you bounce back from unwelcome situations with enthusiasm and hope.

Actions to try:

  • When something goes wrong, try optimism. Tell yourself “this will not last, this is going to get better in the future.”
  • If something goes wrong, just let it go. Do not ruminate, get angry, or complain for great lengths of time.
  • Find humour in the day, laugh out loud.
  • Take part of your allotted vacation time to re-energize.
  • Use your creative talents. Write, knit, paint, build, cook, sing, do a craft.
  • Walk a pet (your dog, a neighbour’s dog) for one hour.
  • Keep a personal journal of thoughts, reflections, feelings, goals.
  • Stop and do nothing for 15 minutes. Sit calmly and enjoy the sounds and sights that surround you.
  • Take a “happy thought” break. Think about someone or something that pleases you.
  • Take a new route to a routine destination and take note of something you’ve never noticed before.
  • Write about an emotionally-charged issue in a journal as a safe outlet for negative feelings and to gain fresh insight.
  • Put a smile on your face before getting out of bed in the morning. If you forget, get back into bed and start over.

Learn More

For more information about resilience and personal development the following resources may be helpful.

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Psychological Wellness: Small Actions That Pay Big Returns

Last updated 6 years ago

Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more rewarding and fulfilling life. It is a choice to assume responsibility for the quality of your life, continually stretch your boundaries, and make your life, and the lives of those you touch, truly exceptional.

Mindfully focusing on wellness in our lives builds resilience and enables us to thrive amidst life’s challenges. Ultimately, wellness is a hands-on, get-down-to-business approach to being the best you can possibly be.

Psychological wellness ensures that you feel positive and enthusiastic about your self and your life. It enables you to realistically assess your limitations and envision new possibilities. It also includes your ability to cope with or improve unpleasant feelings and ensure that you bounce back from unwelcome situations with enthusiasm and hope.

Actions to try:

  • When something goes wrong, try optimism. Tell yourself “this will not last, this is going to get better in the future.”
  • If something goes wrong, just let it go. Do not ruminate, get angry, or complain for great lengths of time.
  • Find humour in the day, laugh out loud.
  • Take part of your allotted vacation time to re-energize.
  • Use your creative talents. Write, knit, paint, build, cook, sing, do a craft.
  • Walk a pet (your dog, a neighbour’s dog) for one hour.
  • Keep a personal journal of thoughts, reflections, feelings, goals.
  • Stop and do nothing for 15 minutes. Sit calmly and enjoy the sounds and sights that surround you.
  • Take a “happy thought” break. Think about someone or something that pleases you.
  • Take a new route to a routine destination and take note of something you’ve never noticed before.
  • Write about an emotionally-charged issue in a journal as a safe outlet for negative feelings and to gain fresh insight.
  • Put a smile on your face before getting out of bed in the morning. If you forget, get back into bed and start over.

Learn More

For more information about resilience and personal development the following resources may be helpful.